Applying MILORGANITE – at “Half Rate” – Does It Work?

Applying MILORGANITE - at "Half Rate" - Does It Work?

Welcome to our latest blog post where we discuss our recent experience with applying MILORGANITE at half rate. We understand that many gardening enthusiasts are wondering if using this fertilizer at a lower rate is still effective. That’s why we decided to conduct an experiment and share our results with you. So, join us as we explore the pros and cons of using MILORGANITE at half rate and find out if it really does work as promised.

Applying MILORGANITE – at “Half Rate” – Does It Work?

If you’re a homeowner or lawn enthusiast, you may have heard of, or used Milorganite as fertilizer for your lawn. It’s well known for being a slow-release fertilizer that provides significant benefits to lawns, including essential nutrients and improving soil health. However, you may have also heard about using Milorganite at a “half rate” due to natural soil phosphorous and runoff concerns. So is applying Milorganite at a half rate effective? Let’s find out!

What Is Milorganite and Half Rate?

Milorganite is an organic fertilizer manufactured by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. It’s made up of heat-dried microbes that consume organic matter, including human waste. While it doesn’t sound very attractive, Milorganite is 100% safe and contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that help promote healthy lawns.

Half rate refers to applying the fertilizer at half the recommended rate. Milorganite recommends applying fertilizer at a rate of 36 pounds per 2,500 square feet every six weeks during the growing season. Applying at a half rate means applying only 18 pounds per 2,500 square feet.

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Why Use a Half Rate?

In Florida, we use Milorganite 2x per year at a half rate due to natural soil phosphorous and runoff concerns. Florida soils are high in phosphorus, and excess phosphorus can contribute to algae blooms and other water quality issues. By using a half rate, we can still provide the necessary nutrients to the lawn while reducing the risk of phosphorus runoff.

For more nitrogen rate details, we recommend checking out The Lawncare Nut’s breakdown. Nitrogen is essential for the development of green, steady growth and a lush, healthy lawn. Applying Milorganite at a half rate provides about half the recommended nitrogen of the full rate. However, lawns that have been regularly fertilized in the past typically have sufficient nitrogen levels, and half rate may be all that’s necessary.

Does Half Rate Work?

We still use Milorganite at a half rate, but it may not be enough for jumpstarting a lawn that hasn’t been fertilized in a long time. It can take more than a season to see significant improvement in an undernourished lawn. However, with regular fertilization at a half rate, you can expect a gradual improvement in the lawn’s health over time.

We like the Earthway 2050P spreader as it comes fully assembled. To determine the application rate, we suggest knowing the weight of the bag and coverage area. You can then calculate and set the spreader to distribute the appropriate amount of Milorganite for your lawn.

What Is the Best Way to Apply Milorganite?

For best results, we recommend taking advantage of our free guides and newsletter. We offer lawn care resources such as a podcast and Yard Mastery App. These resources cover everything from the appropriate time of the year to the appropriate spreader settings for different types of lawns.

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Here are some quick tips for applying Milorganite:

  • Use a spreader for even coverage
  • Water the lawn immediately after application to activate the fertilizer
  • Apply fertilizer during the growing season
  • Do not apply during drought or extreme heat.


In conclusion, applying Milorganite at a half rate is effective for maintaining a healthy lawn. However, it may not be enough to jumpstart a lawn that has been neglected for years. Using a spreader and following recommended application rates and timing provide the best results. Take advantage of free lawn care resources to stay informed and get the most out of your lawn.


  1. Is Milorganite safe to use on my lawn?

Yes, Milorganite is 100% safe and does not pose any harm to people, pets, or the environment.

  1. Can I apply Milorganite during extreme heat?

No, it’s not recommended to apply fertilizer during drought or extreme heat as it can damage the lawn.

  1. Do I need to water my lawn after applying Milorganite?

Yes, watering after application helps activate the fertilizer and provide the necessary nutrients to the lawn.

  1. How often should I apply Milorganite?

Milorganite recommends applying every six weeks during the growing season. However, it can vary depending on your lawn’s needs.

  1. Can I apply Milorganite without a spreader?

While it’s possible to apply without a spreader, a spreader provides an even distribution of the fertilizer, resulting in better results.