Bentgrass Golf Green Is Thick at Day 7!! // First Liquid Fert Application

Bentgrass Golf Green Is Thick at Day 7!! //  First Liquid Fert Application

Can’t believe how much my backyard golf green is starting to grow. The bentgrass has really even coverage across the whole green.
Also did a topdress and oversow today to thicken up the perennial ryegrass

Ryegrass Seed Here:
Lawn Tips mix:

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Can you guys see that green Hue all the Way across the green how good is that Starting to look I'll show you guys a Close-up a little bit later in the video But today we are over so over seeding Sorry the bear patches on the rye grass Because of all the wash we've got over Time I've actually got myself some Basically some garden mulch to top dress With just to hold a bit of moisture in There and stop the wash because it's Going to hold to see a little bit more Than the sand will and that will break Down over time and not impact our levels As well so got some mulch there which I'm going to throw out Overseed show you guys the green Possibly roll the green not 100 sure yet And why we'll see how things are going But Let's get into it loving it so we've got Airdrops better here today again so We're going to put some sea down at a Really really light right it's only Going to be like Say 1.5 kilos per 100 square meters and On the bare patches I will just go over Them a few times probably then Um level it in with the lawn level which We've got just here Level and that's going to be it for Today and then start watering anyway Let's put the seed in and remember this Is my custom blend

Today so these are the best spots we're Aiming for today spots like this but There's still quite a bit of seed Missing spots like this we'll put a Light bit of seed in and then that's Where we had that fertilizer burn as Well so we'll put some in there and Apart from that honestly It really is pretty filled in [Music] [Applause] So this here is the organic mulch that I Got from the guys Then calling tan Just going to help hold a little bit More nutrients in there On top of that just what we've got the Seed coming up and the moisture as well And stop some wash on top of that so it Does have a little bit of sticks and Stuff in it I'll be raking that off or Pushing it off with the lawn level today But apart from that it's pretty clean They did put it through some um Processes to get rid of the bacteria and Stuff in there so we don't get any Fungus or anything like that might be Some weed seeds in there we will find Out but we can deal with it we've Already got weeds in there we're going To keep dealing with the weeds anyway so I really just want to get something down That's going to hold it in there nicely And get it to germina properly sand is

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Just a little bit hard on a slopey area To stop stuff washing even with your Sprinklers so that's why we're using This today Foreign And all you got to do is spread it on The ground really lightly okay lucky Three stand back I'll show you yeah you Stand over there keep going keep going Lightly like that see you do that What's up that's all we're gonna do Yeah just so it covers up the seed and Helps keep some moisture in there [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Foreign [Music] Level [Music] Staff tournament thanks so glad I got Some help from the wife in Isla um it Was pretty layout before everything else Dries there you can see the green still Just a little bit wet Which is good so rip around this quickly This will just help push it down into The canopy And make sure there's nothing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

[Applause] [Music] That is all done so I'm so sweaty it's Getting in the eyes Whoa that was A lot more Fuller than I thought it was Going to be Getting all that stick in stone and Um big clumpy stuff off the top it's Just It was full on anyway I need to put Those heat mats around the sprinklers And then You need to get some water on me [Music] There we go that's all done for today Really really glad I got that done top Dresser leveled it say lit everything Like that because this thing is going to Come up a million bucks near now you can See throughout the day that's still Getting greener and greener green itself So that bent grass is really starting to Grow so I probably will put a liquid Foot application in on tomorrow we'll See how we go but I'll at least come and Show you guys The difference from what it is like now Until tomorrow at around the same time Maybe a little bit earlier I mean it is growing it is so exciting And it's even us anyway see you guys Tomorrow morning get to spray some Products but can you guys see how

Greenland is down there I'll show you a minute let's talk about What we're putting out today and while We're putting it out so we're putting Out a liquid fruit mix today now the Reason I'm using some different products Today is because this is a sand based Green and I want to try some stuff Because I might potentially bring some Stuff to the website in the future but a Couple of different products here we've Got my survival product here which I Currently really use quite a bit in my Mix this one is a liquid Culp which is Going to help strengthen our root system And encourage some growth down there as Well which we really want to help make This nice and Wear tolerant now next we've got some Stem Force so this is to buy a stimulant That's going to help stimulate root Growth as well so we're really trying to Push the roots as you guys can see next We've got reinforce which is actually a Silica product which is going to help Strengthen the actual Turf itself Against wear and tear so it's going to Be really nice to get this Um used to wear and tear which would be Great to get it ready for mowing as well Because we're doing lots of mowing on This green The time comes now we've also got this MP promote so this is basically got a

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Lot of soil beneficial soil microbes and That in there as well just to boost some Of that which as always that's going to Help with disease pressure Help us get some more Organics and That's all like it's going to help Those microbes will help the plant feed On what's in the soil currently as well The sand it's not really the soil it is Um and then lastly is this one here Which I'm I'm actually kind of keen to Try out which is the MP foundation so This is going to help with Turf response To fertilizers so it's going to help With the uptake of granular fertilizers Which is going to be really important in This sand so we're gonna put these all Together in a mix today and then make Sure we water it into the plant as well So it gets down to the roots but only a Light water because as you can imagine The roots on the bent Absolutely 20 at the moments okay green Ladies man I'll get some close-ups in a Minute once we sprayed this out But you can see where the Sun hits first In the morning where all the juice sort Of disappeared just here and it's a bit Dewy further down so anyway let's put This out water it in show you guys close Up Just excited me and this stuff is Growing like crazy [Music]

Thank you [Music] So really happy with how it's Progressing so far today is technically Day Day eight so we sowed Like 27 days ago last night so it's only Really been seven and a bit days which Is awesome man this is progressing like Quicker than I thought it would to be Honest it's looking really really good So we need to get a roll around here to Get rid of all those little craters that You see out all over the place so I'm Probably gonna get a water roller or Something or I use the Toro the only Reason I'm sort of not wanting to use The tower is because I don't want to Turn On the grass and there's nowhere to go Off the edge of the green because of This black plastic here so I think we can get a water roller or Something just so I can stop go forwards And backwards you know Like that it's probably going to be the Best way to go I'll be at it but man how Good is this looking the grass is Getting quite long as well like I'd say It's probably around Let's beat him close to about 10 mil In a lot of places and it is even as Like there's such even coverage which I Am stoked about well that's probably

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Going to be it for today Um these little heat mats still working Really really well around the sprinklers Not causing any wash at all which is Ideal so we can get some nice grass Coming up in there now now over the next Couple of weeks there's going to be a Lot of Fert applications going on Especially on the Sandy area because as You can imagine it's not going to hold Nutrients as well we're trying to get a Lot of nutrients back into that Especially our phosphorus and our Potassium and even our nitrogen as well Because it's going to Leach through a Lot quicker because we're just doing That regular watering and because it is Sand as well but Kicking along nicely I think we do a Granular foot next week Probably get the mo on this could be the End of next week we'll see really going To see on the rye grass just going to Keep up the liquid first just my lawn Tips mix and probably going to put some A really really light dose of plant Growth regulator on the rye grass as Well probably only about two mil two to Three mil per 100 square meters just Help it tiller slow it down ever so Slightly just so that new grass seed That I put down under that top dress Has a chance to come up and actually Compete and not get smothered out as

Well Heaps going on we're loving it really Really loving it and a lot of guys have Been asking too about Fairway builds and T-builds so I'm going to do irrigation More towards winter once this is Basically established just so I can Focus on the green for now I'm going to yeah irrigation and then I'll probably start spraying everything Out probably actually start spraying Stuff in this month On the fairways anyway prepped and then We'll probably put down the turf on the Fairways during Springtime and for the Tea boxes I actually haven't decided What grasshop's going to go on the T-boxes yet so we'll see how we go it's Probably going to be something like Cooch and Something's Gonna Be Quick Repairing because it's a path for you so It's gonna be divots Galore on all the Areas and it's with wedges too so going To be lots but yeah I need to get back On the car I can show you guys where the Clock is going I've sort of neglected a Bit because we've been so busy down here But it's still looking pretty good still Looking pretty good it actually needs Some barricade awesome span it just Needs a pre-emergent probably next week To be honest so if you guys are looking At getting pre-urgent applications out Get onto it now

Anyway guys thank you so much for Watching appreciate yours subscribe the Channel if you haven't already and You're enjoying this series like this Video If you guys enjoyed it as well and I'll see you guys very soon [Music]

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About the Author: Mowrs