Gardening Tools Get Lawns Ready For Summer
A properly-stocked storage shed filled with lawn and garden supplies and gardening tools is a must when looking to get lawns ready for summer. Summer is officially here, which means it’s time to head to the storage shed and make sure all the lawn and garden supplies, including gardening tools, are ready to make the lawn look its best. Great lawns don’t just happen.
Choosing the Right Weed WackerThere are always sections that a lawn mower cannot get to, regardless of the size of the lawn. For this reason, a weed wacker is a good tool to have. There are three types of trimmers to consider before purchasing one; electric, gas and cordless.
Garden Watering SystemGardening today is just as popular – maybe even more so – than years ago, and garden suppliers have noticed. They’ve created numerous garden watering systems for anyone from the weekend gardener to the serious gardening pro.
Tips on How to Use a Hedge TrimmerAlmost every yard has a hedge that needs to periodically be trimmed, and a hedge trimmer can offer a fast means to do this. There are two different types, an electric trimmer and a manual one. The electric model not only is faster than its manual counterpart, but also offers significantly more cutting precision.
What to Consider When Looking For a WeedwackerRather than pulling weeds by hand many people prefer to use a weedwacker. This not only helps cut down on the time it takes to complete the task, but also prevents wear and tear on the back and other body parts from bending over.
Using a String TrimmerString trimmers, also known as line trimmers or garden trimmers, have become one of the most popular yard care tools since their creation in the 1970’s. They can be found in electric, gas, or battery powered models.
Stihl Chainsaw Prices Vary From Model to ModelIf you are looking for chainsaw from the Stihl brand, then make sure you pick the one that serves your purpose the best. There are many different chainsaws especially designed for different purposes such as domestic and industrial.
Lawn Mower Repair and MaintenanceAs a home owner you’ll find that a lawn mower will be one of those assets that you’ll need to look into, unless you have the money to have someone else worry about taking care of your lawn. When it comes to purchasing a lawn mower, there are many options that you can choose from.
Is the Husqvarna Rider R155 AWD the Mower For You?There are many factors involved when selecting a riding lawn mower to tackle your yard care needs. Some of these factors include yard size, mulching needs, and obstacles in your yard. While these may not seem very important in general, after you purchase a lawn mower you’ll find out just how important they will be for you.
Water Irrigation SystemYou can get as complex as you like, creating different “zones” for your water needs. For example, you could have one zone as the east side lawn, one zone as the south side lawn, and another (or many more!) zone for your landscaping plants.
Tips From Professional Lawn Care MowersIt’s fairly easy to maintain your own lawn, but when a professional is offering you free advice why wouldn’t you listen to it? If you’ve ever wondered what little secrets the lawn care professionals might have to make the yards they maintain look as good as they do, then these tips are for you.
Lawn Mower Tires – Which Are the Right Ones?While almost everyone has a lawn mower, and most of those are riding mowers at that, you have to keep an eye on your tires. Keeping your tires maintained is essential to keeping your mower in good shape, and your lawn as a side effect.