Lawn Grubs 2023

Lawn Grubs 2023

How to get rid of (prevent) grubs in your lawn.
Store bought vs professional grub control.
Earthway Spreaders:
(I use the 2600 A-Plus)

#Lawn #Grubs #LawnCareNut

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Thank you [Music] What's up y'all I'm Alan Hayne the lawn Care nut thanks for coming back for yet Another week now today we're going to Talk about grubs or grub worms if you've Been searching around because here we Are in the spring and I realize some of You have just now gotten out of snow You're doing your first mow and you're Like you're talking about grubs already And that's the case because no matter Where you live north south east or west The prevention time the time to prevent Grubs to stop them for the season is Exactly the same and that's right now in The late spring let me show you the life Cycle of grubs all right y'all real Quick let's go through this let's look At the lifestyle of grubs you can see Here lifestyle life cycle you can see We've got here the months of the year This is where we are in April but let's Go right here to June these beetles are Often called May june beetles because or June bugs because they come out in June You'll find them in your pool filter or Definitely you'll find them on your Porch lights what they do is all during The that month of June and in July they Lay eggs in their lawns well watered Lawns and those eggs hatch into small All grubs that feed on Grassroots to Grow as they feed on Grassroots they get

Larger and larger and then when it Starts to get cold depending on where You live they will go down deep for the Winter and then they're down there and Then as we get to the spring where we Are now they come back up this is what Is this a pupae a a yupe stage right Here and they're about to hatch here There is a little feeding that might go On right in here then they hatch and They go I'm not typically worried about The feeding that goes on in here because Your grass is growing so vigorously you Usually won't notice it but some feeding Can happen and then they watch out and Now the cycle starts all over so that's How it works this is why we're going to Put a preventative down right here right In this range here let's just ruin this Drawing we're going to put a Preventative We're going to put a preventative down Right in there somewhere right so when They get to this point we've got that Preventative down protecting us all During this point and as you're going to Find out one of the products we're going To look at today will actually kill any Of these people that are doing any Spring feeding but I just want to let You know that is the life cycle of grubs Now that'll help you as we move forward In this video all right so when we talk About products I'm going to show you a

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Big box product then a professional Formulation but before we get there you Want to make sure you get the right Thing so we just went over the life Cycle of grubs here we are we're in Spring and we're getting ready to apply And when you're going to go to the store You're going to see things like Scott's GrubEx but you might also see this 24-hour grub killer this is actually Called a corrective whereas what we're Talking about today is a preventative This product you can see 24-hour grub Killer and in fact on the back here it Reads this product stops grubs and other Listed pests from further damaging your Lawn that's why it's a corrective to Stop further damage currently I'm not Experiencing damage I'm trying to Prevent and that's why I want a product Like this one that says seasonal long Grub killer apply spring to early summer So just get that straight when you're Going to buy your product right now We're applying a preventative and this Product here this 24 hour grub killer You would use this like in the fall if You actually saw damage or in the rare Case here in the late spring you Actually saw damage from last year's Grubs again that's when the 24 hour Killer comes in but for purposes of Today's video we're talking about Preventing grubs for this coming season

And these are the products that we're Going to look at first let's look at the Scott's GrubEx that you can get at Pretty much any big box store All right now the instructions say to Apply this to a dry lawn and this bag Covers 5000 square feet and it costs 32 Dollars so I've got about 2 000 here so I'm going to use a little less than half The bag and it takes one inch of water To get this into the soil after you Apply now the other thing is you get Four months of control with this so the Best time to apply is going to be Sometime around late April into May Anytime in there rip May is probably Ideal that'll give you four months of Protection all throughout the summer one Other thing on the back of the bag here That I just noticed it does say one Application kills and protects for four Months that and is a very important word There which means if you did have any Grubs in here it says it will kill and Then it will protect for future grubs I Don't think this is the best immediate Killer you want to use the 24 hour grub Killer if you actually had an Infestation in the lawn but I do think The fact that this does kill gives you Some peace of mind that if there were Some here and the lawn is actively Growing and they're doing any kind of Stunting or whatever you're taking care

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Of let's throw her down one other thing I did want to cut in here and say this Product is also labeled to kill sod Webworm and army worm so we've talked a Lot about software webworm in the past I'll give you a link up top there as Well as it does suppress chinch bug big Deal here in Florida I wouldn't count on This as a complete protection but Definitely suppresses with that now Let's go and throw her down Foreign [Music] There you go in case you're wondering This is an earthway 2600 a plus my Favorite spreader and the spreader Setting that came out perfectly here for GrubEx was a 22. we also now have Earthway spreaders including this 2600a Plus available on our website at the I'll give you a link in The description below All right this next product we're going To use this is imitacopra this is a Professionally formulated concentrate This is forty dollars and this will Cover 46 000 square feet so just think About that an acre is 44 000 essentially This covers over an acre the last Product we used covers only 5 000 square Feet so big difference there now this is Only going to give you three months of Protection so this application should be Done sometime in late May or June and

That again this is for anywhere in the Country you're going to want to apply This one in June that way you're you're Protected ahead of time now the other Thing is it takes a half inch of water To get this in so you want to water it In when you're done and it will also Give you suppression a chinch bug and It's also labeled for suppression of Mole cricket although I have not heard Good results there so I've got my Sprayer filled up halfway with water First I'm going to cover four thousand Square feet so that's why I have this Four gallon backpack by the way this is Not a hose in sprayer application this Is backpack sprayer pump sprayer type Thing and we're going to want to use a Droplet size that's larger so I'm going To use the white floodjet tip here Because I want to be able to water this In so I want the larger droplet sizes if You need a video on how to use a pump Sprayer and all about the tips and all That did a really in-depth video earlier This year I'll give you a link to that Below now our application rate is 0.6 Ounces per gallon and one gallon of Spray mix covers one thousand square Feet so I need six times I'm sorry 0.6 Times 4 is 2.4 so 2.4 ounces is what I Need to cover Four thousand square feet Now one advantage that I have here with

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This because I'm tank mixing is I can Put other products in here that need to Be blanket sprayed so I'm due for a Application a humic 12 here since this Gets watered in and so does the Imidacloperate grub preventative I can Do both in one so I'm doing four Thousand square feet so I'm going to Need 12 ounces Three ounces per thousand so I'm going To go ahead and fill this up this has Only got gonna hold eight so eight Ounces there Another four Here There we go now I get an application of Humic 12 done at the same time as my Grub preventative I'm going to go ahead And fill the rest of this up and then We're gonna go spray and we're going to Pray [Music] [Music] All right there you go Application Completed now this is going to get Watered in right away so I'm turning on My irrigation and probably it would have Been a good idea to cut the lawn first Here because it is pretty long this is a Liquid we want it to water in so if I Were to cut first you'd think it'd make It easier to water in so that's Something I would have done one other Thing I want to reiterate when you're

Doing this backpack and you're mixing Keep in mind the things you mix together They all need to be products that should Be watered in if it's a product that Needs to sit on the lawn don't mix it With this but if it's a product that Needs to be watered in like the humic 12 That's something that you can mix Together so that's how you apply the Emitter clopid which one last thing I'll Tell you which is kind of fun Imidacloprid is actually come from a Family of chemicals called Neonicotinoids neonicotinoids it sounds Like nicotine doesn't it because it's The same kind of chemical family you Guys know nicotine is in cigarettes and Things and what is nicotine it's an Appetite suppressant and that's how this Product works this neonicotinoid gets Into the soil and so when the grubs are There and they begin to chew on the Roots they eat this nicotine product it Makes them feel full so they stop eating And they die just that that was kind of A neat little tidbit to share with you That that's how this works with that I Hope that this video has been helpful to You if you have any comments or Questions leave those below as always I'm Alan Hayne the lawn care nut thank You so much for watching and I'll see You

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