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So this is your lawn you've got your Mowing down you've got your watering Down you'll like the color but you want To see if it can get a little bit deeper Darker blue green in today's video I'm Going to teach you how to do that using Fertilizers the first thing you can look At on any bag of fertilizer is What's Called the guaranteed analysis and this Is going to show you all the elements That are contained in that bag these Elements are utilized by the plant to Support Healthy Growth kind of like you Take vitamins right and these vitamins Are used to support Healthy Growth Inside of you I I needed a reminder of How often to take these and just like With vitamins there's some elements that Are needed in Greater quantities in your Body than others the same thing goes for Fertilizer there's three nutrients Called macronutrients that are listed Always has three numbers like this see Here 2406 those are actually needed in The greatest quantities and so that's Why they're kind of called out that way And again those are called Macronutrients macro meaning needed in The greatest quantities so when you see Those three numbers on a bag of Fertilizer they always stand for Nitrogen phosphorus and potassium here This 2406 Flagship here means that 24 of What's in the bag is nitrogen zero
Percent is phosphorus and six percent is Potassium nitrogen stimulates the grass To grow and reach for the sun phosphorus Stimulates thick healthy roots and Potassium is a stress reducer and helps Plants maintain proper hydration of These three it's nitrogen that is the Most important when it comes to having a Deep dark green lawn so if you're Looking for a green lawn the first thing You want to look for is nitrogen and Always remember nitrogen drives the bus Nitrogen drives that green growth which Then pulls in the other elements that Are also used in plant support all right Now you're looking to have a green lawn There is one more element you want to Look for and this one is a micronutrient Called iron so we talked about those Macronutrients like nitrogen and Potassium there are also micronutrients In here there you go iron manganese and Zinc now the micronutrients are just as Important as the macronutrients it's Just that grass plants need less of the Micronutrients in order to be healthy And of all the micronutrients that You'll find when it comes to having a Green lawn iron is the most important Because it's iron that gives lawn that Deeper darker blue-green color that We're all looking for you can see for Example this bag of Flagship contains Three percent iron and this bag here
Contains Six percent iron you'll also notice These both contain nitrogen not only to Turn the lawn green but to pull in that Iron so it can do its job and make that Lawn that double dark blue green color That dominates so when you go out to get Fertilizer and your main goal is to turn Your lawn green those are the two things You look for nitrogen and iron I'm Alanine the lawn care nut thank you so Much for watching hope this tip's been Helpful to you and I'll see you in the Lawn