20230504 ROS Lawn Tractor Meeting

20230504 ROS Lawn Tractor Meeting

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we will be sharing all the details about the recent 20230504 ROS Lawn Tractor Meeting. If you’re a lawn tractor enthusiast, you won’t want to miss out on this exciting event! We’ll be discussing everything from the latest models and innovations to the highlights of the meeting and what you can expect to see next. So sit back, relax, and join us in discovering the latest in lawn tractor technology at the 20230504 ROS Lawn Tractor Meeting.


In the world of robotics and automation, every meeting brings us closer to our ultimate goal: making our lives easier and more efficient. The Lawn Tractor Automation meeting that took place on May 4th, 2023, brought together some of the top-notch minds working on automation projects. This article will provide you with a comprehensive break down of the meeting, including updates on laptops and software experiments, telemetry radios, the find of an EarthWise reel push mower, and Al’s project on sending parameters to his vehicle microcontroller.

Terry’s Laptop and Software Updates

Terry started the meeting with updates on laptops and software experiments. He spoke about recent developments in automation technology and how they could be used to improve their current projects. Terry’s main focus was on exploring new ways to integrate hardware and software in order to create more efficient systems. He discussed his recent experiments with open-source technology and how it could be used to automate tasks that were previously carried out manually.

Jeff’s Telemetry Radios

Jeff was up next and shared his insights on telemetry radios. He discussed LORA (Long Range), a technology that uses low-frequency waves to communicate between two points over a long distance. He explained how it could be used to improve the communication between the base station and the equipment. Jeff also spoke about the benefits of Wi-Fi and how it could be used to control the automations remotely.

EarthWise Reel Push Mower Find

In the middle of the meeting, Jeff surprised everyone by pulling out an EarthWise reel push mower he found in the trash. He explained that this could be a great addition to the automation project as it is the perfect candidate for automation. The group discussed how they could use the mower and what modifications would be required to make it work autonomously.

Al’s Microcontroller Project

Al then shared his progress on sending parameters to his vehicle microcontroller. He shared his process of trial and error, testing various ROS-Serial versions. Al discussed the challenges he faced with different versions, including the use of safety switches in his project. He also shared some interesting links with the group and discussed the next steps to be taken.


The Lawn Tractor Automation meeting was a success as the group discussed various technological and creative ideas on how automation could be incorporated. The laptop and software experiments and telemetry radios updates presented by Terry and Jeff were informative, and Al’s project showed he had made significant progress. It is exciting to think about the possibilities automation technology provides and the potential impact it could have on our daily lives.


  1. How do telemetry radios work in automation?
    Telemetry radios send data over a long distance using low-frequency waves, allowing remote control of automated devices.

  2. What is the significance of LORA technology?
    LORA technology is significant as it enables long-distance communication between a base station and the equipment, facilitating remote control.

  3. What is ROS-Serial, and how does it work?
    ROS-Serial is a protocol stack that enables communication between a microcontroller and a computer running ROS. It sends and receives messages over a serial port.

  4. What are the benefits of using safety switches in automation?
    Safety switches provide an extra layer of safety, ensuring that the equipment does not operate if certain conditions are not met.

  5. Where can I find the video of the Lawn Tractor Automation meeting?
    The video can be found on the Lawn Tractor Automation YouTube page along with indexes for relevant groups.