Lawn Renovation // Heavy Topdress and Levelling With Sand

Lawn Renovation // Heavy Topdress and Levelling With Sand

Today I’m fixing up the edges of the golf green and then giving the ryegrass a super heavy topdress! Will be great to get it nice a level!!

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Have a day packed full of things to do Today so we're going to be overseeing The bear patches top dressing fixing up Our edges where that black barrier was You can see the Dew that we try to get Off of that wedding agent it's still There it's not actually quite as intense But I need to do a higher rate than 20 Mil per 100 by look of it I'll probably Get half right next time that's right We'll adjust as I said I might have got The right wrong but let's get this done And let's rip into it yo mate what up Welcome to another lawn tip vid all Right so as I mentioned the other day With the reason we're doing this is we Aerial it two days ago we're now putting Down some seed in the bear patches Because we had that tool we talked with Last time and it just went crusty and Hard and unfortunately it killed a lot Of the seed that I put down so I wasted Probably about six or seven kilos which Is super frustrating See there in spots like this And really that's honestly going to be About it spots like this Need absolutely nothing nothing at all Even here it's got germination or Throughout it so I'm probably not even Going to worry about that it's more for The Big Bear patches and for the edges Today so we're bringing in the green Probably about a foot here

Just down here and through these areas Here as well because there is a little Bit of a humpty bump and I don't be Running a greens mower on top of that so Now we're going to put some gypsum out To help out with that that clay stuff Help break it up a little bit and since We've got some core holes there might as Well get some down in there as well just To help with that heavier soil And to get some calcium down in there as Well and then put our seed down in those Other spots as well [Music] On To The Next Step so now we're going To be fixing the edges on this whole Grain where that Blackberry was so I'm Using the sand that I used to put on the Whole grain as well I ordered another 12 Ton that arrived yesterday afternoon and Honestly I'm gonna keep getting this in Because it is so good like it is Ridiculous it'll be perfect for top Dressing the green as well once I start Doing that probably gonna start give That giving it light dust things Probably next week to be honest Pretty much ready when I say light does Things like super duper light just to Start to even out a little bit might Even use the broadcast spreader or the Top dresser from Jason at yard Empire So let's put this down I'll show you Guys what I'm going to be fixing right

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Now so as you can see this area here we Had the green built up quite a lot and We didn't have soil up to here now I Knew this was going to happen and the Reason I didn't put levels up against And everything because I wanted the sand To drop down a bit and adjust it from There so the good thing is we're saying Rye grass so this will come up within Three to five days in the whole disorder Anyway and this sand honestly it does Not wash it's really really good sand Holds nice and tight together hold some Moisture but also drains the water Really well also so what the plan is as You can see we need to fill up With sand from about here And gradually all the way down here so It's got a gradual slope we can actually Cut this area here otherwise it's going To be a problem we might actually bring It even further yes probably honestly Almost all the way out to here Need to just gradually bring it down so I can ride that Triplex around the outside and just do It do my cut on the green about here Somewhere [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Grass in there raked it in and rolled it

In as well and it's all the way around The whole grain so that'll fix up our Edges make for a tidier cut We're in this Edge just here mate I'm gonna make such a big difference Gonna be awesome thanks Josh for giving Us a hand it would have taken me I would Have taken me more than a day to be Honest doing this all by myself so Appreciate it even through here look at That it just drops off that a little bit More gradually so when we use Um 2653b the John Deere Triplex it'll Just cut through there easily and won't Like have a dodgy cut if you know what I Mean I've also bought the green in a Little bit here Just so that again we don't get a dodgy Cut through there and just works out Really well but look at the grain man Looking great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] Flat yesterday so back this morning Finish this video off but as you can see


We got all of the sand rubbed in And mate it is looking good Feels so much more level as well which Is one of the main reasons why I want to Get sand down I might have to run over again with the Lawn level today just to break up some Of the heavier stuff Because we did get quite thick but you Can see this grass under there so I just Want to run the lawn level over again to Make sure the grass doesn't get smooshed Under there But man has turned up really well I love How these edges look now how they sort Of just Peter off so that'll be rye Grass so we've sold all of that Into here this actually has come in on The green a bit so we've lost a little Bit of green here probably only about Two foot maybe not even that just there Um this point here It's going to be all bent it'll just Have to bend off to grow through that That sand just there itself I mean it looks so much better now this Part here is the most drastic Improvement it was a ridiculously stupid Drop off Just there before that is so much better The garage the rye grass is going to go All around there as well so it's not Going to run straight off green into There and into the dam and probably

Actually going to have a longer cut just Around the dam Edge sometimes just to Make it so we don't lose too many golf Balls down towards the dam because this Green is not an easy grain it's a bit All over the place which to be honest I Wanted to do that because I want to make It a challenge for myself when I'm Putting on it and for people who come Here to really have a challenge and have Some fun with it we're eventually going To put a bunker in as well I haven't Been getting that question a lot so There'll be a bunker Probably up the back to catch a lot of Golf balls that go flying over in that Direction I mean this should come good now the Edges are done so good now I'm not sure If I mentioned to you guys but I have Actually cut this down to seven mil so We're now cutting the green at seven mil From eight mil down to seven mil next Week I'll take it down to six mil taking Down a mil basically every week and I'm Cutting a bet every two days so this is Due for a cut again today I'm going to Start doing some top dressing next week As well I gave this a hit of my Proliferate foot on Two days ago when I mowed so I'll tell You what man it looks so much better Across it will start a little bit hungry Some of the leaf was really thick in

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Some areas and some of it was quite thin Good sign that it's getting a little bit Hungry it's due for another liquid foot As well so as I said you guys this thing Needs quite a bit of fertilizer to get It going filling in because I've sewed Straight into sand and it's not really Organics in this we're building up the Profile but tell you what Look at how much This is starting to fill in We've got grass all throughout all of These gaps now like it really really is Starting to creep and this is actually One of the thinner areas at the start so We're really starting to see grass All throughout this green now this is One of the biggest spots just over here Have a look at that We'll get close we're getting mean A dusting on this area And constant furt this thing honestly Should be filled in in the next two to Three weeks we should have a lot of Coverage and that regular mowing as well Well thanks guys so much for watching Really really appreciate it thanks to Josh who killed me out yesterday it Would take me two days to do all that Both him and I were both stuffed after Doing that it was a lot of sand and Doing all those edges rolling raking Everything but it's going to make a World of difference in which it should

See germination in the next three to Four days got a heat wave at the moment So I have to keep the water up to this We're getting 30s 34 I think 33 on Sunday anyway that's hot for this time Of year it's ridiculous anyway thanks For watching subscribe if you guys Haven't already like this video If you Enjoyed it I'd appreciate it I'll see You guys in the next vid [Music] Thank you

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About the Author: Mowrs