The Florida Bahia Grass Project :: Spring Progress

The Florida Bahia Grass Project :: Spring Progress

As the spring season blossoms, the Florida Bahia Grass Project flourishes in its progress towards promoting sustainable agriculture. From improved soil quality to increased crop yields, this initiative has already begun to make a positive impact. Join us as we delve into the latest updates on the project’s advancements, and discover the meaningful changes it’s bringing to the farming community in Florida.

The Florida Bahia Grass Project :: Spring Progress


Spring is the perfect season for lawn care enthusiasts to start fresh and take their lawns to the next level. One such achievement is the Florida Bahia Grass Project, undertaken by Sarasota locals. Bahia grass is known for being the perfect fit for sandy soil and is commonly found in Florida. Let’s take a look at the progress report of the Florida Bahia Grass Project so far this spring and get some lawn care tips in the process.

Fertilization and Prediamine Treatment

The project’s progress report indicated an application of fertilization and prediamine treatment in January. Fertilization with a balanced formula of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, designated as NPK, helps the grass produce new growth, increase the leaf’s greening, density, and hardiness. Prediamine treatment is effective in controlling crabgrass and other broad-leafed weeds.

Dealing with Cold Weather

While some areas of the Bahia grass were affected by cold weather, the lawn care enthusiasts were vigilant and applied further attention in such areas. Applying more fertilizer at this time is ineffective, as the grass is not in its growing phase.

Biostimulant Application

The team applied Soil Fit 8-0-3, a biostimulant that helps promote root growth, turf health, and resistance to stress. Biostimulants are organic compounds that are known to be highly effective in promoting plant health and development. Further, additional fertilizers were also applied.

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Monitoring of Progress and Irrigation

The team monitors the progress of the Bahia grass regularly. The grass needs 1-2 inches of water per week, depending on the heat, humidity, and other environmental factors. As irrigation schedules vary based on the season, they are adjusted accordingly. Adequate irrigation is key for the grass to grow healthily and in a sustainable manner.

Dealing with Invasive Plants

The Florida Bahia Grass Project team has been successful in dealing with Signal Grass and other invasive plants. They implement herbicides to prevent the growth of invasive plants. Manual removal of broadleaf weeds when they are young and shallowly rooted is the best prevention strategy. To ensure the best results, the project selects the herbicide most compatible with the Bahia grass.

Free Lawn Care Guides and Podcast

The Florida Bahia Grass Project has many fascinating resources available that are valuable to anyone interested in lawn care and landscaping. They provide a free lawn care guide for you to download with easy-to-follow steps. Additionally, their podcast explains many aspects of lawn care in-depth, with experienced professionals sharing tips and insights gained over decades of active lawn care.


  1. How often should you mow Bahia grass?

Ans. It is recommended to mow Bahia grass every 10-14 days, depending on its height.

  1. When is the best time to fertilize Bahia grass?

Ans. The best time to fertilize Bahia grass is in the early spring when the grass is in its growing phase.

  1. How often should you irrigate your Bahia grass lawn?
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Ans. Bahia grass requires 1-2 inches of water per week, depending on individual environmental factors.

  1. Is there any natural method to control broadleaf weeds in your lawn?

Ans. Yes, manually removing young broadleaf weeds before they set deep roots is an effective natural method for controlling their growth.

  1. Should you add pesticides and herbicides to your Bahia grass lawn regularly?

Ans. It is not necessary to add pesticides or herbicides routinely. Involve the Bahia grass’s growth habits and consult with professionals regarding your lawn’s specific requirements.


In conclusion, the Florida Bahia Grass Project’s progress report shows the impressive growth potential of Bahia grass with the proper lawn care. It is essential to choose the correct grass type for your area and closely monitor its progress. Adequate irrigation, fertilization, biostimulant application, dealing with invasive plants, and timely mowing are the key factors that lead to a healthy lawn. The Bahia grass’s success captured in the Florida Bahia Grass Project is a testament to the right approach towards lawn care and maintenance.