Lawn Leveling The Easy Way – Low Spot Repair

Lawn Leveling The Easy Way - Low Spot Repair

Lawn leveling the easy way.
RGS root growth stimulant is part of the Bio-Stimulant Pack:

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[Applause] [Music] Colors What's up y'all I'm Alan Hayne the lawn Care nut thanks for coming back for yet Another week so here we are with a Follow-up to my Zoysia scalp it's been Exactly three weeks since I took my Zoysia from overgrown half sort of Wanting to go dormant not going dormant Blah blah blah I took it down hit the Reset button scalped it down as low as It would go and now you can see just Three weeks later it's it's it's about I'd say 75 recovered looks a whole lot Better now this is going to be a little Follow-up to that because I've actually Kind of discovered a couple things that I need to share with you and one thing That we're going to work on fixing today The first thing is it has been mowed Twice since you've seen me last so it's Not growing super fast but I am keeping It at the second to the lowest notch on The ego mower which is one and three Eighths inches now what's happening There is that is actually revealing some Things and one is I have a mole and I Don't know how long this mole has been In the lawn but he's doing significant Damage my thought is he might have been Here for a while but when I was mowing Taller it was masked but now that I'm Mowing really really low any areas will

Where he's raising it up or getting Scalped so that's something we're gonna Have to deal with a little bit later on And the big thing that we're going to Deal with today though is leveling People always want to know how do you Level the lawn well this is how I do it And this is how I'm going to do it in my Zoysia today but there are two other Methods that I've used in the past one Is this Eco lawn top dresser and this Eco on top dresser we used over at Brett's house you can rent these they're 7 500 if some of you have some Disposable income and just want to buy One because you just love to level that Much but you can rent these and you can See it has a beautiful spread pattern of Sand now if you have a smaller job like I have here you can see a couple years Ago I had the long tools come over and We leveled out this section right here And one over there just with good old Elbow grease and leveling rakes today I Have a much smaller area that we're Going to deal with and I'm going to show You just a simple way to do it and we're Not going to probably clear it all up Today but it'll be something that you do Ongoing with that let's go find out what We're going to use so what I have here For leveling Is just sand regular old sand this is This says play sand on it and I got this

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In Louisville Kentucky last year I had To pull a trailer back from the equip Expo and so therefore I needed some Weight for that trailer and so I bought Sand so you can see the sand is brown if You get paver sand or play sand that's What you want you can see this is a Pretty fine sand it's not any there's Not any large grains or pebbles in here That's what you want sand is your very Best leveling agent just think about When you go to the beach right areas Where the sand is wet it just Automatically flattens itself sand will Just seek a flat level and that's what We're looking for here so notice out Here where the sand is dry it's ripply Right we're gonna go now and I'm going To show you when it gets wet how flat it Gets it seeks its own level or really Flat is the word we're talking about and All it takes is a little bit of water Let's go take a look so now down here You can see where the water has hit the Sand it's flat extremely flat that's Because sand seeks its own level so That's why I say use Sam because it's Going to level itself out as soon as Water hits and sand is the best for that People will ask well what if I use Topsoil or compost you can do that but Remember those are organic materials and Organic materials do what they break Down so if you go out and you fill a low

Spot with some organic material when That organic material breaks down the Low spot is once again revealed so we're Not using the sand for any other reason Except for its leveling properties now One more thing on sand people will argue About that left and right like Sands Through The Hourglass these are the days Of our lives nobody can agree on what Sand to use again I don't want you to be Confused the sand I have is brown Because I happen to buy it in Louisville And that's the sand they have there I Guess is brown when I buy sand down here In Florida it's white again just get Paver sander play sand and don't stress About it that's all you got to know now The next thing that I'm going to do Though before I get too much into the Into the leveling here is I'm going to Go ahead and put down an application of RGS root growth stimulant on three weeks After this is a great time to do that Just to keep things pushed I'm really Tempted actually to throw down some more Fert but it's only been three weeks I Need to wait at least another week to do That so RGS is on the docket we'll get That down now to continue having things Move and then we'll get to our leveling All right you know what I also picked up A little air rate why not have a little Fun spraying and praying so I showed you Guys in a video earlier on the yard

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Mastery Channel I'll link that below how To do this the easy way but basically You just fill up your empty hose and Sprayer here halfway with water first There we go close enough and now we can Put in our biostimulants so there's our RGS we're just going to fill right up to That line right there Little air rate Oh look at that boy that's great for the Camera what do we got there are we Almost there top it off All right now I can cover 2 000 square Feet with this [Music] [Applause] All right [Music] So it helps if your sand is dry it's Easier to spread you can even spread it By hand but this is a little wet but That's all right this is my low spot Right here so I'm basically taking Shovel pools of sand and throwing them Down in there That's it you just try to Get it smoothed out as good as you can To start with and you can just do this By eye because the sand is going to find Its own level As it gets rained on and as your Irrigation runs it will automatically Level everything out real nice for you And we're going to do a little bit of

Finish work here But first we just want to get this down As evenly as we can okay so you can see What I've got done here I had six bags That's all I had this will maybe give me A half inch of coverage in this area That's roughly 10 by 10 but this is Something that you're not going to cure All in one spot we're going to go ahead And now you're going to see we don't Even need a fancy leveling rake we just Have an old broom we're just gonna rake It in as best we can And that way it'll give it a nice start You'll see in a couple weeks the grass Will just grow right through it and then You'll be able to eyeball it again and See all right do I still have a low spot There if I do get another six 10 12 bags And this is one of those things you can Just do Out the season that way it doesn't Stress the grass out too much either by Burying it under you know three four Inches you just half inch at a time Maybe an inch And then you're good to go all right so Now I'm all finished up the last thing To do I'm just going to go ahead and run The irrigation because remember I put Down that RGS and air eight so I want to Go ahead and water that in as well as I Want the sand to start seeking its own Level I just did a basic kind of

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Flattening of it there with the broom But now the water is going to take care Of the rest and actually I can already See that it's going to need to be done Again it actually looks even worse now That you have a contrast in green and The brown sand you can really see that That low spot was a lot deeper than I Had even noticed before so this will Have to be done again but we're going to Do it gradually and like I said in about Two weeks all of this grass will be Grown through here and then you can go Ahead and decide if you're going to do a Little bit more so stay tuned here to The channel make sure you subscribe I'll Give you helpful links in the Description below as always I hope this Video has been helpful to you I'm Alan Hayne the lawn care nut and I'll see you

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