Toro 21 Inch 60V MAX Flex Force Stripe Lawn Mower Review

Toro 21 Inch 60V MAX Flex Force Stripe Lawn Mower Review

Toro’s 60V Max 21” Stripe mower has a great striping kit that delivers! Check the Price at Home Depot –

The Toro 60V Stripe is about 25% lighter than other battery-powered mowers because it has a full plastic deck. It’s easier to maneuver, mow, and create a perfectly striped lawn.

Dual blade perfection surgically cuts and recuts the grass into fine clippings and nutrient-rich mulching. Less work (and more lawn compliments) for you. And, knock it out of the yard with up to 60 minutes of runtime and the stamina to cut up to a 2/3 acre of grass.

This 60V Max 21” Stripe mower is part of Toro’s Flex-Force Power System.

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