Johnny Bucket Assembly Part 2: Final Assembly and install of the bucket to the frame.

Johnny Bucket Assembly Part 2: Final Assembly and install of the bucket to the frame.

I held off on posting this part of the series as I was waiting for a major snowfall to happen so I could show off the Johnny Plow Jr. In action. Well, That never happened!. I’ll be honest about it, I don’t miss the snow at all either.
So here we are back at final assembly and installation of the Johnny Bucket Jr. Stick around for more on this great tool as I show how to wire it up, and some of the many options that are available at:

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[Music] Check it out today we'll be handling Part two of the Johnny bucket assembly And this is where we assemble the uh Actuators that are over here to the Johnny bucket and we will then install It to the front of the Husqvarna tractor That I have there so that is what we're Doing today in part three we will do the Wiring now I opted to get a joystick Upgrade and uh so it's going to operate Just like a Kubota tractor or a John Deere tractor something with a front end Loader it'll give the same up down left Right feeling instead of the switches That are available on the stock model So let's go ahead and get this thing Assembled and I'm excited to try this Thing the first thing to notice here is That these two actuators are different Size this is the dump actuator and that Is the raise and lower actuator they're Different sizes and they're not Interchangeable this one being about 14 And 7 8 and that one being about 11 and A quarter eleven and a half the two Brackets we're going to install are here And here we're going to install those First they're not installed on this side They're installed on that side so let me Get the camera set up over there and I Will show you the process of installing The dump action first we'll install These two brackets here

This one's wrapped up so I assume it Might have some Yeah it looks like it has some Stuff packed in it probably our assembly Nuts and Bolts [Music] All right Lots of nuts and bolts here This is the first bracket we're going to Be installing and this one sits right Here now something you'll want to notice Here I hope that I can see that yeah There are four sets of holes or four Holes two that are not slotted and two That are slotted if you're using a turbo Dump actuator which I upgraded to then You're going to want to use these larger Slots here so I'm going to put those in And like everything you kind of want it Loosely fitting to start Thank you So we'll just get those started now These have lock washers and large nuts So make sure to put the lock washer on Most of the other nuts in the kit have Uh built-in lock washers like the nuts Are have nylon washers in there Cool so we're just going to get that in There and that way if I need to I can Adjust that as we after we install the Actuator itself Great so now we're going to move on to This piece here this is the front hub Piece that's going to sit on there and

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That sits in here like so and it's kind Of interesting I'm going to move the Camera to the other side so you can see Because everything here is kind of Hidden okay once we have our other piece Installed we're going to install this You can see there's holes here here and Here and they coincide with these this One this larger one is actually for a Pin we're going to set that in there and These bolts they come through from the Back side Get one started And these are locking nuts they self Self locking so no washers for these [Music] Again wait till you get everything Started before tightening down or you'll Run into assembly issues later on And we're going to test install this Because we want to make sure that this Hole lines up Before we tighten anything down that's Our front pivot point for the actuator So we want to make sure the grout lines Up so we can slide that in and out once That's in just like before it is 7 9 16 For all these bolts Foreign Make sure that your pan still slides in And out And this one does so we are good to go Okay for this next part we're going to Take this pin out and this is kind of a

Gonna be a dance but we have these two Washers here these are just plastic or Nylon washers and there's different Sizes you can see this one's much bigger Well the bigger one is going to go back Here and the smaller ones are going to Straddle this up front so we have to Start our bolt and I'm going to try to Show this I hope it comes out we're Going to start our pin and then we have To slide I can get it from this side perhaps There we go we're going to slide that Spacer in then we have to insert this And that faces upward the motor here Faces upward but we're going to slide That in there It comes out the other side and this one You probably will not be able to see but You got to kind of fish that washer that Big nylon bushing onto it and then it's Just a matter of lining it back up Once it's through And you can't really see it but we're Going to put one of our pins in there to Hold that all in place and that is these Right here And these are kind of cool pins They straddle Let me show you that those pans are Really nice they slide down through the Hole and they lock completely into place So that shouldn't come off no matter What kind of debris or or mulch or dirt

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Or sand or whatever you're carrying all Right let's hook up the bottom one and Then we can tighten those two bottom Bolts all right now this side is a Little more particular because we have The weight of the unit now attached to The front here but I'm going to start The pin on this side There we go and then I'm going to use Just one of these the larger one it's Going to go through here And there it is And again we'll slide in our custom pin Here Which I hope you can see but that just Kind of That's a cool pin I don't know I've Never seen anything like that I've seen A lot of Lock Pins but It's kind of unique Let's see There we go All right let's work on the other side So once we have this all assembled we Need to just tighten down our brackets And that's a three-quarter Bolt down here it's one of The or 19 will also work for this Great now we can work on the back piece And mount it to the Tractor In preparation of mounting our back Piece you'll see these two bolts they're Sticking up these studs and you'll see Our little harness here for this first

Actuator well there's clamps here for it So what we want to do there is secure These so they don't get pinched while The tractor is in operation and so those Come with two bolts here those are 7 16 I believe Go ahead and get that on there And tighten that one down Great now the kit also comes with an Extension harness because this wire is Going to be longer it's going to go off Screen here and to the main assembly so I'll go ahead and get that out And we'll hook that up as well And that lives right here we plug those Two together Like so until it snaps and then it does Include A second Spot to crimp that down and hold on to It so we will Do the same with that one There we go now we're ready to work on This back bracket here All right here we are with the main Bracket and I've got the manual out here Because this one is kind of precise It's saying you need a tape measure And because you need this tape measure Is because you need to screw this thing Out so as long as it's unplugged that's Not hazardous it's not something I would Recommend doing while it's plugged in But you're going to just twist it

And it is going to unscrew that cylinder And you want to measure it out till it Is four and a half inches from the base To the tip here so I'm going to unscrew It some and I'll measure it and then We'll check it and probably have to do That two or three times just to get it Right but Let's see That looks close let's see we got Oh that's three and a half There's probably a joke in there Somewhere but I'm not going to touch That one Four and a half all right so this piece Goes with the cylinder in but it slides In through the bottom here you can see That hopefully and then it also has some Bushings that we're going to install Here and let me grab those right now Okay on this the bushings are the same Size The same thickness you see so we're just Going to put one on each side I'll start Start my Pin That in there and slide it across oop S Hopefully you can see that I'm gonna I'll kind of try to lean it up a little Bit but got that in there I'm going to Slide the second one in If I can [Music]

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And there it is right it's all the way Through And then we have a A pin that goes in there and that is This conventional starter cotter pin Right here And slide that in And it sits like that Cool well it looks like we're getting Ready to actually install this onto the Main bracket all right we've got the Tractor back in here I've kept the cover Off of it the hood off of because we Still have wiring to do and that'll be In the next video but for right now These little pieces right here we want To push those out And once we've done that we're going to Slide the bottom bracket in it sits on The inside of both of these Let me set that off to the side a little Bit Like so Once that's in there We have one last pin and we'll pull up a Little bit We've got to line our hole up And then yeah we'll go from this side Slide our pin Through like so now the entire bracket Is actually off the ground so again I'll Put cotter pin in there so now we are Ready to actually Mount the bucket and It's just two bolts big ones

And you do have washers on the back side And large nuts And lock washers on the front What I'm going to do with this is Slide it forward And line it up and slide it in And that will wrap up this video These are 19s by the way you'll need a 19 ratchet and a 19 wrench to finish This job [Music] Foreign Perfect well I guess that'll do it for Part two here everything is assembled Now in the future when you want to take This off it's just a matter of pulling This top pin and flipping up those Brackets you slide the whole thing off The front so it's a little easier to get On and off once once it's done now in The next video I will show you how to Wire up the joystick for this so that we Can operate this in all the modes and of Course we'll test it out and see how Well it works I'll see you next time my Friends take care

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About the Author: Mowrs