It’s Looking Pure at Day 25 // The Bentgrass Has Germinated!!

It's Looking Pure at Day 25 // The Bentgrass Has Germinated!!

How good is the ryegrass looking on this golf green! The Creeping Bentgrass has also germinated on the green and the coverage is very even. I should be cutting the golf green in another 2 weeks.

The Grass I’m mowing around the Golf Green:

Lawn Tips Fertiliser Mix:

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We have a little bit of germination on The green hopefully I can show you guys It because it is absolutely tiny flick Up a picture of the screen now on the Other magnifying glass getting a little Bit of the seed that's germinated so That germinated at day four today's day Five that's correct but remember we had That seed pre-soaking they actually they Call that priming actually Um in a bucket so it actually got a two Day Head Start so hopefully I can show You guys some seeds soon but today we're Going to cut this I'm tempted to do it With the ride on 2653b otherwise I'll do It with the GM 1000 we'll see and I'm Tempted it's pretty dry I think we're gonna try it See what happens yo mate what up welcome To another lawn tip vid we're at day 25 Here on this Ferrar grass now it's Pretty thick there's some areas that are Stupid thick like this where there's Basically no bare spots because we got No wash in those first couple of Storms And the sprinklers don't really hit These areas too much and flood them Whereas there's areas like over that Section there and sort of around the DM Where it gets a little bit too much Water so the seed washes so we're having A little bit of problem with some Thin Spots generally around this time we're Looking at getting close to being filled

In which we're nearly there but I still Unfortunately I think I'm lifted another Overseed with top dressing in those bare Areas so I'm trying to decide what to do If I want to get some more sand and do That or I want to get something like Some some mulch that'll break down and Won't really impact levels over time but Yeah it does look super duper thick we Do have this bare spot here and that's Actually from where I spilled that Fertilizer Oh dear it didn't burn in the guts Though just sort of burnt around exactly Where the fertilizer was laying which Makes sense we also got a tiny bit of Burn just over here Which was where those black mats Were laying the other day but as I said There is some Thin spots like this which In all honesty that will not even need An overstay to be honest and I reckon Even here this is where we're getting Lots of wash and pulling It's not It's honestly not that bad so I'm just Getting a little bit too particular bad Law to be honest like that probably Should be fine but I'll show what I mean By wash though not sure if you guys can See it here but there's seed washing Just into little clumps all over the Place so it should be evenly distributed Across here because I put lots of seed

In but it washes down and collects down Where there's grass Already grown at the moment so that's The problem I'm having There's a couple of ways to go about Fixing this number one is I could take Those sprinklers off 360 and just keep Them 180 on the Green And you use the Sumi Around the outside which I'm almost Considering doing But it just it means a lot more coming Down here and fiddling around with it Which is going to be a lot of time Um and the the Sumi doesn't quite reach All the way around either unfortunately Or I could get a few more of these heat Mats that I've got here so this is a Heat mat and that's actually preventing Quite a bit of wash because this area Here was washing like absolutely crazy So let's take it off and see actually if It worked so we have a look just here A little bit of wash not too bad though But the seed is all staying in here so You can see little bits have germinated This is four days since I did this with The heat mat And put this here so you can see Lots of little seedlings so I'm thinking That's what I might do on the really Really bad areas just to keep on top of It because there's not there's not that Much of a lift any really spot over that

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Side A spot near one other sprinkler where It's doing the same thing it's hitting The black plastic And I think I've got pretty much enough On this heat mat to be doing that so and Also this black plastic will be cut down Below the soil level about an inch maybe A tiny bit more In once the green has germinated Completely and had a few Cuts it's Really just so that the rye grass Doesn't wash on the green and the bent Grass doesn't wash out onto this area Here as well It's just to prevent them getting into Each other and it's also going to help Me in time it'll stop tree roots getting In here because this is actually root Barrier it'll actually help retain like Stop nutrients latching out into the Outside soil or from the outside soil in And also help retain the moisture in There and stop it leaching out to the Outside soil as well so it's going to Help in quite a few different ways and Can have me more control of moisture Levels and stuff on the actual green We're not just going to get dry patches On the edges which you can tend to get Sometimes when I see if I can find some Germination for you guys I'll show us if I get some now otherwise I'll come back Tomorrow and we should see a lot more so

I'll probably have an update towards the End of video now Can you see anything on camera because There is a little bit through here I don't think you can see it So tiny yeah there's there's grass Little grass seeds absolutely everywhere Bent grass is just tiny so it's super Hard to see when it first germinates and Pops up we need to get a cut on this now Before that dries out because I haven't Given this a water this morning but I Want to dry this out a bit So I get on here and mullet so Thank you my how good are those thick Stripes like that those nice wide Stripes me and rye grass just Stripes up Like crazy It's looking really really good after Cutting it it actually looks more filled In only probably because it's laying the Grass blades over but I ended up just Mulching it back in and went over it Twice three times in some areas to break The clippings up a little bit more and Get a bit of a cleaner cut and I think That's going to help retain a little bit More moisture in those bare spots and Should help a little bit more with some Germination as well so I don't need to Do those edges as you can see right There so I'm going to bring down the Landscape blade and do those I've only Done it once so that's growing like

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Absolutely crazy At day 25 today Like it looks nice I'll show you over Here too the mold didn't go up in a Certain area over here there's so much Growth we've had in five days because That smell is set to the same height of Cut as my Toro over there so as you can See The mold doesn't go up through here this Is how much we've cut off It'll probably cut off A bit it's still it's still really long Actually Close to a little bit over half of it Which is probably not ideal I should Have cut it a little bit earlier but It's just got away from me like crazy so I think I'm just going to use that mile From now on so much quicker to do There's a really really tidy job and it Is ready I just have to make sure I do It in the mornings before I water the Green again because I'm constantly Putting water on the ground at the Moment so this area is staying pretty Wet so I'll quickly get the landscape Blade let's tidy it up around the black Plastic can't wait till that stuff's Gone Um yeah so I've got the rotary scissors Here oh they're also called the Landscape blade whatever you want to Call them

Which um the guys at Old Time Parts Which in our yard Empire so Jason sent These out to me and like I do love them I really do love them they're great for Just getting shorter cut Turf they don't Tear stuff like a whip snipper and flick It back into your legs I personally like Them some people don't like them they Prefer a whipper snipper but I am a fan Of these bad boys so I'll show you let's Go get the really long grass and tidy it Up Glad I got that done now the steps from Here on in is there's not too much to Really do with this I'll keep the liquid Fertilizer up so I might do a liquid Fertilizer app tomorrow morning when I Come to show you guys Um how much germination we have down Here And then really only a little bit of top Dressing in the really really bare areas And so I'm oversetting then there is I Want to top dress with it is because I Want to cover that seat up and make sure It doesn't wash away so I might may get Some organic mulch to put over top or I May just use sand again I'm still not Decided but you can do either way the Only reason I'm thinking that is to stop The wash and then I might even put some Of those heat mats on some of those Areas that are washing a little bit more As well yeah not much more to really go

This area I'm really happy with the Results of day 25. it is it's looking Really really good most of the beer Spots are filled in It's pretty thick everywhere a few Weights which we need to get on top of Which I'll probably do in about two Weeks time I'm going to spray this whole Area with some broadleaf herbicide on a Really like calm day that's not windy so We don't get any drift onto the green Itself and luckily we've got that Barrier around the outside too if we did Get tiny bit drift it should hit that Black barrier first anyway but Yeah that's the process anyway I'll see You guys tomorrow for some liquid food And for showing you guys an update on This seed to see if you guys can see any Lots of seed has come up overnight so I'll show you guys the bent grass in a Minute on the green I like you can see From here but there's a bit of a green Hue across there but today we're going To get some liquid food out on the Rye Get it in our brilliant nourish and our Vitalize as well the main reason for This is again for the added microbes Potassium And the phosphorus in there as well Which is really really great for our Seedlings and also great for an Autumn Time foot all year round to be honest But it's really good to get those

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Nutrients down this time of year but the Biggest thing again is The Beneficial microbes in here and the Bacteria that's in here as well which is Going to be great for our seed to hold Nutrients because we are continually Watering this area at the moment so we Are leaching some of the nutrients out Because we're constantly watering to try And get seed up so we're trying to get This as established as we can before Winter time comes and a potential Frost So let's spray it out now And then I'll show you some seed All right let's see if we can show you Guys some big grass I can see it I'm Really hoping the camera shows it up Let's have a look I'm sure you guys can See that for sure Look at that all through there Everywhere Coming up really evenly too Look All across there there is green Green Haze throughout the whole green Which is just awesome there really Really even coverage starting with the Hose really does make it nice and even Because you can really see where you're Going obviously because you've got water Going out with it so it makes it super Super even and going over twice just Covers you on every single base so I Will be rolling this in

With the male with the Reel off probably I'll probably say it around day Maybe 10 11 or 12 not when I'm mowing I'm just going to roll to level out all Those humps and bumps But we can see across the area Look at this it's just it's everywhere Absolutely everywhere A bit of rye grass there But yeah really happy with that result So far thank you so much all for Watching really appreciate it exciting To see where this is going remember next Step is going to be spraying Weeds on The Rye over sowing top dressing a Little bit in some areas where it's a Little bit funky and then probably some Liquid first on the green rolling it and Then cutting it at about 21 days and Lots more stuff in between as well lots Of applications And I'll keep you guys updated as well With how the seeds going and show you Updates constantly but thanks guys so Much for watching appreciate this Subscribe the channel if you guys Haven't already I'd appreciate if you Did like this video If you enjoyed it And I'll see you guys very soon

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